Change contact details & personal details

Form to amend contact and personal details

Please complete this form in full and send the signed original alongside a clearly legible

copy of an official document by post to Swiss Bankers:

Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services Ltd, Kramgasse 4, 3506 Grosshöchstetten, Switzerland

Previous details of the cardholder

Please enter all card numbers.


New details of the card holder2

Business, c/o and PO box addresses are not accepted.

1Please enter all card numbers. 2If any of your personal details or address have changed (last name, first name, sex, date of birth, address), please enclose an official form of identification. 3Business, c/o and PO box addresses are not accepted.

Place, date: _____________________________
Signature of holder:_________________________
Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services Ltd
Kramgasse 4
3506 Grosshöchstetten
T +41 31 710 11 11

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.